December 21, 2008

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April 4, 2008

Writing Articles For Affiliate Programs

Why write articles

Writing articles can make your affiliate pages unique and drive more traffic from the major search engines, resulting in more sales.
In some instances the merchant's affiliate program may not provide you with more than a banner and a few text links.
If your traffic levels are low than this will not do much to drive traffic to your affiliate links.
If the merchant does provide you with content then this can be viewed by search engines as duplicate material depending on how many affiliates are promoting the same product with that content.

Beginning Your Article

First begin by reading all the information on the merchant's site about the affiliate program, if you are not already familiar with the product.
It is very important that you learn what it is that you are offering to your customers such as,product features,capabilities,limitations and specifications.
Many merchants will include these details with the description.

Researching your article

Use one of the many free or paid keyword suggestion tools to build your list of niche keywords.
Google Adwords, Digitalpoint and CBtrends all have really useful keyword tools which are free. Experimenting will help you discover search trends.
Testing these keywords in major search engine will give you a sense market saturation and competition.

Include Keywords In your Article

When writing for search engines your article should be keyword rich. Include long tail keyword phrases in your article title and subcategories. Product specific keyword phrases will help drive targeted traffic from search engines to your specific niche.

What to include in your article

Creating an outline will help you organize your article and supporting subcategories sequence.
Including descriptive keywords such as, size, color and dimensions in your article will further help drive targeted visitors to your site.

Helping your visitors solve a problem

When promoting affiliate programs through article writing, bring attention to product features that will help your visitors resolve a problem.
Use examples and illustrations of how these features can be applied in real life situations.
If your product is easy to use, then bring attention to why you believe it is better than similar products.

Ways to emphasize product features

Use bullet points, numbering or italics when writing articles to emphasize and bring attention to helpful product features.

Free content

Articles provide free instant content for ezines,newsletters and website publishers. This free content is used to optimize and attract free search engine traffic.

Submitting to article directories

There are countless popular free article directories, where your can submit your article for publication. Arcanaweb publishes a list of many popular directories. These directories allow anyone to reprint the article as long as the resource box is included at the end of the article.
Read and follow the guidelines before submitting your articles
Do not include affiliate links in your article or resource box.
This may cause your article to be rejected by the directory.
Do not plagiarize another writers material.

Resource box and backlinks

Writing articles can increase the number of one way links or backlinks to your site.
Included at the end of every article is a resource box,where you can include a brief bio and link back to your site.

Free article directories

Free article directories will allow you submit content but you are not paid for your article. Goarticles,Isnare and Articledashboard are among some of the large high traffic free article repositories.

Article distribution and submission services

Article distribution services will submit your article for a fee to article directories,ezines,newsletters,article email groups, social bookmarking and article announcement sites.

Article submission software

Article submission software such as Artemis Lite and Article Submitter 2.2 are free and may expedite the process once your are registered. You will need to do a manual submission for sites using an access code.

Paid article directories

These directories will pay you for writing articles or reviews.
Compensation may be in the form of revenue share or per word.

Paid to write reviews

In addition to getting paid for writing articles, reviews can be another avenue to earn extra income. Review rates can range anywhere from $2.00 to $200.00.

Reviewme, Reviewstream, Softwarejudge and Epinions are just a few of the popular paid to review sites that can put extra cash in your pocket.
You can also earn money with your clickbank id at Reviewsarena for up to 60 days.

Paid to blog

Writing blogs are yet another alternative for earning extra income.
Payperpost and Smorty are blog sites that pay weekly and compensation may range anywhere from $5 to $100. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate a price with the advertiser.

In conclusion

Do your research before writing an article,use targeted keywords on affiliate product landing pages. Submit to high ranking article directories to increase the number of quality backlinks. Check site stats for increase traffic levels. Test and improve your writing skills by reading writing tutorials and ebooks. Learn from mistakes and continue writing articles.

By: Nick Kaplan

Article Directory:

Nick Kaplan internet marketeer and writer provides useful resources and products for internet visitors. Covering a broad range of topics from affiliating marketing tools, publishing articles from experts in the field of health,automotive, finance and more.

March 23, 2008

3 Must Know, To Survive In Affiliate Marketing

Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication. There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.

Here are the 3 Things you need to survive as an Affiliate Marketer

1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.

Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.

You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.

2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.

Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.

Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word "free" because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.

3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day. Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.

The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.

Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do. Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving... 'Remember if you look in the right Direction all is good in the World" jp

By: M and J Pietras

Article Directory:

Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box you can also include your affiliate link when you sign up at my website

March 13, 2008

Social Network Today

With any social network today, joining groups, and interacting is a must. Being sure your blog site url is available, this will help greatly in your friends getting to know you better. Be sure to list your blog url at every social network you have a profile. Set up some time, every 2 to 5 days, a minimum is once a week for your social networks.

Prioritize the social networks you are a member of. Give them a rank of sorts on which ones you visit more often. If you know you will be super busy one week, let every know what you are doing, so they won't miss you too much. Everyone here is your friend and I know I worry when I don't here from someone in my group for a week or better. Keeping in touch with your new friends is important.

Always be kind, even in a disagreement or when you are commenting. There is always a chance for disagreements with any social network today, but keeping your thoughts and word friendly, respectful, and pleasant is always appreciated. Make friends and add every one you are able to and see who you like best out of the group and get to know those people. People are cool! And everyone has things that they are good at and know about. You can tell them about stuff you know....hobbies, interests, Vacations you took, what kind of pet you have and love, anything that you would like to share.

Put your business aside and in your profile area. Using the signature for your blog site url is a much more personal way to introduce yourself than to shout "Here, Look at My Business".

Asking questions is best, but only if you really are interested in what the answer is and joining or starting a group can be a fun way to meet like minded friends. One of the best groups to join is a blogging group. Those interested in blogging, the bloggers of the social networks are online alot! You will be able to talk to them more frequently. And list your blog site in with social network group.

Blogging and Social networks have been called one of the addicting fads. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions in a positive way. Teenagers and young people as well as the older blogging crowd, have new artistic talents and great informational articles out there posted in the social network sites or on personal blog sites.

Many online bloggers and people in the social network today, write reviews. Reviews are meant for your personal opinion on any topic in the known Universe! Be sure to review mainly that what you enjoy! But, throw in a well worded review here and there about a topic, site, or blog that could be better and why you think so. What social network today is really all about is getting closer to a family of friends in the World, not just your home town. It is brilliant to me that so many are looking for new friends and conversation buddies.

That's pretty much the base line of the social network today, meet friends, have fun, and set up a great profile...Enjoy!

By: Wavecritter

Article Directory:

Stephanie Haile enjoys teaching new people to the Internet how to navigate and become comfortable with their computers. She is a business owner, wife, mom, pet lover, and beach enthusiast who writes, reads, and helps others create a residual income for financial stability. Google Stephanie Haile and get in touch or give her a call and find out about how her business can help you! 321-745-6202 Stephanie Haile AKA Wavecritter

March 7, 2008

sedang baca buku2 bisnis

sekarang sedang sibuk baca buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan bisnis, terutama tips dan trik membuka usaha. usaha yang saya maksud berhubungan dengan usaha kecil dan menengah.

nanti kalau sudah tuntas bacanya, saya sharing kepada yang berminat. nuhun!

March 5, 2008

Everybody Sells What I Sell? or Do They?

Author: manoj kumar

Years ago, I took over as a manager of a restaurant in a major city. As expected, we had a good sized lunch rush every day, but the place never seemed to be filled.

The previous manager, although well-intentioned, had been gruff with customers and staff alike. Most of the staff was teenagers, and sometimes I didn't blame him. Look, I was a teenager myself, and can remember not always being the best employee. Not because I was bad, but just because I was a teenager. You remember? Right?

Anyway, I worked with the departing manager of about a month and then I was in charge.

One of the first things I did, even before the old manager left, was to make sure I called everyone, including my 16-year-old employees, "sir" and "ma'am. I also made certain they got plenty of praise for a job well done and gentle but firm guidance (always in private) when they erred.

It wasn't long before, "YO! Dude! Bring me some ketchup!" was replaced by "Excuse me, sir (or ma'am)! Could you please bring me some ketchup?"

Over the next few weeks, the lunch crowd slowly began to grow, as did the dinner crowd, and I wasn't absolutely certain why. I DID know that my young ladies and gentlemen were making the customers feel more comfortable in our establishment, and the employees themselves were taking on more responsibility for taking care of the customers and getting the job done and seemed to be enjoying themselves in the process.

Of course, we had our regulars, and one day I noticed a pair of gentlemen I had never seen before. What struck me was that they were watching the employees and me with eagle eyes. As I moved around the room, chatting briefly with diners and making sure they were taken care of, one of the men called me to his table.

This is what he told me...

He and his friend worked in a nearby office building and had once been regular lunch customers, but had quit coming in several months before I came to work there. The reason they had stopped dining at our establishment was simply that they did not like the way the previous manager had treated the employees, and they had also felt the trickle-down effect in the negative way the employees interacted with customers and other employees.

Recently, people in their building had begun talking about how pleasant it had become to eat in our restaurant since the "new manager" had taken over. They had decided to check it out for themselves. Even though they enjoyed the food and the restaurant was nearby, they had been choosing to go elsewhere because of their discomfort in the previous atmosphere. They told me that they were extremely pleased with their experience and really liked the way I treated the employees and the employees treated each other and the customers. They definitely would be returning regularly.






With the right attitude and with lots of respect for peers and customers alike, your business can grow even if you sell the same product or service as thousands of other internet or brick-and-mortar businesses.

So! Why not sell service? There's sometimes quite a lack of competition there.

Postscript: Between the time I drafted this article and typed it up, I received an email from a webmaster who complained that while I had a nice website, it was just like several others he had seen, and he doubted I would have any success with it.

Oh well, he's welcome to his opinion, I suppose. I just didn't have the heart to tell him that last month I deposited over $10,000.00 in commissions from a website that everybody else was using.

Article Source:

About the Author: i am 20 y. o. computer professional

February 25, 2008

jangan menyerah

menggeluti bisnis online kadang menjemukan. denganr2 dari pelaku emarketing, di dunia maya indonesia, pengunjung lebih banyak ketimbang pembeli. pembeli biasanya 20% dari pengunjung.

oleh karena itu, jangan pernah menyerah. berjuanglah.

February 20, 2008

7 Steps to your Fundraising Success

Author: Robinn Lange

Fundraising has become an essential element to schools, scouts, sports and cheerleading teams, youth sports leagues, and other community groups in both small towns and major urban areas. The need for fundraising has become of greater importance than ever before for a variety of needs ranging from playground equipment, uniforms, and trips, to primary funding to support and maintain many types of programs and curriculum.

Robinn Lange of Custom Fundraising Programs has enjoyed fundraising success for over twenty five years and says he has noticed the changes in the fundraising landscape. “Fundraising used to be a means to offer or support for supplemental programs or activities, but in today’s world fundraising is being depended on more and more for the survival and primary support for more and more groups, activities, events and programs.

This importance of fundraising in today’s marketplace has created the need for stronger and more successful fundraising programs than can generate impact and results. Fundraising is no longer just a fun activity, but rather an entrepreneurial enterprise - a business.

Parents, students and community members are bombarded and approached with more fundraising solicitations than ever before. Lange says “the one crucial element is to make sure your fundraising efforts do not get lost in the shuffle. You must make sure your fundraising campaigns are properly executed to position yourself to achieve the best results possible.”

The good news is Lange offers seven important steps you can implement to help to insure your fundraising success.

1. Create A Good Fundraising Team
This is one of the first and often most overlooked aspects of a successful fundraising program. Your team is the heart and soul of your fundraiser. Even though it is often difficult to get volunteers and quality people to be part of your fundraising team, one of the biggest mistakes that can be made is just accepting anyone onto your team. Seek people that are driven, motivated, and share your fundraising vision. Those who can attain their given goals. Confident, self-starters who can take direction, yet be able to function and operate on their own.

It is better to have a smaller team of like-minded and motivated members than to have a larger team with some weak links.

Take the time to find the right people for your team. Talk to them, learn their interests, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and then put the best qualified person in their most appropriate position.

Do your homework and make the effort and you will find that this is time well spent as you are creating the strongest foundation possible for your fundraising abilities.

2. Selecting The Right Fundraiser
Equally as important as assembling the best fundraising team as possible, is selecting the right and proper fundraiser itself. Factors such as the length of your campaign, the season or timeframe of your campaign, the size of your committee or team, the amount expected to be raised, and your target market and demographics are just some of the key elements that
should be considered to assist you to select the right fundraising program.

Let your fundraiser stand out from the pack. The market is saturated with many of the same typical fundraisers such as candy, candles, wrapping paper, cookie dough, discount cards and so on. While some of these may have the potential to offer decent results, you may find your efforts are greatly improved and better accepted by your target audience by offering a different type of fundraiser. Custom fundraising products, live event and family entertainment fundraisers, and other unique fundraising ideas can assist you in offering that “something different or special” element than can allow your campaign to stand out and be better accepted and a welcomed relief from the typical standards.

Explore your options and ideas. What programs really excite your team and can create excitement in your market? Take the time and effort to carefully examine these factors to select a winning fundraiser.

3. Plan Your Fundraising Success
Many times the lack of proper planning is the reason behind a lack of expected results. Chart out your fundraiser from your first step through completion. By creating a plan to execute your fundraiser you and your entire team will be able to see the big picture.

Plan out all facets of your fundraiser including staffing, dates, times, promotion, product distribution, ticket sales, accounting, meetings, and any other pertinent details than may be included in your overall plan.

4. Set Your Goals
Along with the proper planning of your fundraiser is the creation and execution of your goals. Creating a written set of goals allows you to see your starting point, where you are each step of the way, and where your final goals are at all times.

Having these written goals also helps keep your team invested and aware of their expectations, while also being a fantastic way to measure and track their results and progress. Your team will enjoy a great feeling of pride and accomplishment as each goal is reached during your campaign. There is no better feeling than to meet your expected goals and even surpassing them to achieve greater success. This also promotes team spirit and overall motivation of all of your team or committee members.

5. Manage Your Fundraising Team
Once you team is in place, your plans and goals have been determined, it is crucial to properly manage your fundraising team. Make your your leaders and team members are clear on their role and duties. Make sure they have the tools and materials to succeed. Identify any strengths and weaknesses that may exist. Tend to the weaknesses and play to your strengths. Who are your teams “superstars”? Who needs special attention and reinforcement and perhaps personal motivation? What combinations of team members work well together and produce the best results?

Managing your team while assisting and supporting your team leaders will put you on the fast track to your desired expectations.

6. Promote And Spread The Word
After all of the team, goals and organizational efforts are in place, the priority is the continual promotion of your fundraising campaign. Your main objective is to make sure as much of your target audience as possible becomes aware of your fundraising program.

Spread the word in anyway you can including as many methods and resources as
possible. Although you must have a combination of promotional methods and techniques, the most beneficial is still word of mouth promotion. Let everyone you encounter be made aware of your fundraiser and the important cause or benefactor to your efforts. Promote the reason for your fundraiser and remind your target or potential customers that they are
helping your cause and objective. People want to feel that they can help to make a difference.

You will soon find the amount of promotion directly affects your final results, so promote, promote and promote even more.

7. Motivate Your Fundraising Team
The importance of maintaining the proper focus and motivation is also very important to your fundraising success. Different people get bored or lose motivation at different levels. Stay on top of your team members and offer support and motivation to each member as needed. Acknowledge their successes and accomplishments, remind them of your goals, and reinforce their importance to your team’s overall success.

Avoid “fundraising fatigue” or burnout. Offer incentives and rewards to your team members for achievements.

Maintain the spirit, attitude and enthusiasm of your team members. The right positive attitude is infectious. Being aware of these factors should help you to keep everyone focused and on track to attain your desired results.

By following these seven steps your fundraising campaign will be managed properly and positioned for optimum success. “While these steps may appear to be a more business¬like approach, this is how fundraisers must operate to attain your goals, succeed in today’s potentially saturated market, and prevail even in difficult times.” Lange states that these
steps work well with all styles of fundraisers and offer immediate and residual benefits.

Article Source:

About the Author:
Robinn Lange is the creator of Main Event Live Entertainment Fundraisers and is a cofounder of Custom Fundraising Programs, specializing in custom fundraising specialty products and events for schools, colleges, and sporting leagues and teams. He can be reached at

February 18, 2008


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January 24, 2008

bisnis online dan offline

hari ini saya punya kesimpulan menarik: bisnis online dan bisnis offline sama menariknya. tergantung pada barang, pasar yang ditarget. kalau anda suka berbisnis online, pasar Indonesia masih jarang menggunakan kartu kredit. masih ada ketakutan dengan sistem keamanannya. berbeda sekali dengan bisnis offline: ada uang ada barang.

jika ingin berbisnis, maka saran saya, pilih mana yang cocok untuk anda mulai. persiapkan semuanya sebelum memulai. bisnis offline dan bisnis online memiliki karakter tersendiri.

January 20, 2008


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ini keterangan dari pihak OBEUS

How to start?

Designing we tried to simplify registration process in all possible ways.

That's why you can create an account at in few minutes, mostly depending on a speed of your e-mail provider.

You need single user account to start advertising and/or publishing.
How to start publishing ads?

Publishing ads is as easy as ABC. Just do the following:

1. Register and Sign-In.
2. Add your site to Catalogue (click My Sites at Member Menu, then click Create).
3. Click View Blocks icon in My Sites list (Advertising Blocks column). Click Create. Tune your block using Block Design form and Block Preview.
4. In your website blocks list click Code icon to get ad block code.
5. Add block code to your website.

That's all! Now also take part in Affiliate Program.
How to start advertising your website?

There are two ways to start advertising:

* The fastest, one-step way: click Advertise on this site on any ad block, fill the form, deposit funds and get advertised! You will be able to change any ad campaign settings using your member interface.
* The traditional way:
1. Register and Sign-In.
2. Create an ad: click My Ads in your Member Menu, then click Create.
3. Create a campaign: click My Campaigns, then click Create. Add sites and/or whole categories to your Cart. Click Step 2.
4. Tune the CPC values for each of selected sites and categories.
5. Set the daily campaign spend limit and click Start Campaign Now.
6. Deposit funds if you have selected at least one non-zero CPC.
7. Be Advertised! Your campaign will start automatically.

Please, read FAQ to get more information.

Have you got any questions? Please feel free to contact us via Support Form or write us an e-mail.

January 15, 2008

Jadi Pedagang di Internet


Bagi siapa saja yang berminat jadi pedagang di internet, tapi gak punya barang, jangan putus asa. Masih banyak kesempatan untuk jadi pedagang di dunia serba mungkin ini. Saran saya, ikutlah di program afiliasi AMAZON atau ZLIO. Bisa salah satunya, atau keduanya. Tidak ada yang melarang jika anda memiliki keduanya.

Dua perusahaan dagang ini memberikan kesempatan kepada siapa pun untuk menjual barang-barang yang diiklankan di situs mereka. Mereka sudah mempersiapkan barang-barangnya. Mulai dari harga, jenis produk, desain situs, dan sebagainya. Masing-masing memberikan kemudahan.

Persyaratannya mudah sekali. Yang penting punya alamat e-mail. Untuk alamat e-mail bisa dibuat di atau Ini dua alamat penyedia e-mail gratis yang sudah populer. Saat mendaftar di ZLIO dan AMAZON, alamat e-mail ini yang anda gunakan.

Yang jelas, semuanya gratis. Tak perlu membayar sepeserpun untuk terlibat dalam jaringan mereka.

Setelah mendaftar, anda tinggal memilih desain situs dagang yang disukai (ZLIO), kemudian pilih sendiri barang-barang yang ingin anda jual. Saran saya, juga menurut pedagang dunia maya yang berpengalaman, sebisa mungkin toko online ini memuat barang sejenis saja. misalnya, toko buku, ya semua barang yang dipilih buku-buku saja. atau misalnya, toko kosmetik, ya pilih saja barang-barang yang berhubungan dengan kosmetik. Ini maksudnya untuk memudahkan pembeli memilih barang. Oh ya, untuk di ZLIO, nama toko onlinenya bisa pilih sendiri. Sebisanya cari nama toko yang unik, agar menarik perhatian.

Setelah toko online siap….tinggal promosikan saja kemana-mana. Gak jauh seperti pedagang biasa yang menawarkan produk kepada calon pembeli.

Anda perlu tahu bahwa ZLIO dan AMAZON memiliki kelebihan masing-masing. Stok barang di AMAZON banyak sekali. Pilih barang yang mau dijual sesuai minat. Sedangkan di ZLIO, stok barang ya lumayan banyak tapi belum sebanyak AMAZON. Di sisi lain, Zlio menyediakan desain toko online sekaligus membolehkan memakai nama sendiri.

Masih minat jadi pedagang? Silakan mencoba! Saya berharap anda berhasil jadi pedagang.

January 14, 2008

belajar dapat uang dari OBEUS.COM

sekarang sedang belajar dapat uang dari OBEUS.COM. ini setelah dapat referensi dari sejumlah orang. termasuk dalam kategori alternatif untuk Google Adsense, AdBrite, Bidvertiser, dan TLA

January 9, 2008

tempat belajar dapat duit

kalau mau belajar banyak klik disini

Layanan Artikel Digital

[ini bisnis unik yang dikirimkan oleh "ary0544_bo" uniknya, layanan digital seperti tak jauh beda seperti bisnis kliping koran/majalah. ini hanya bentuk digitalnya. SIAPA SAJA YANG TERTARIK SILAKAN IKUT LANGGANAN]

Kawan2 sekalian, kami menawarkan layanan loper elektronik koleksi
artikel2 (semacam kliping) opini media massa harian- terutama yang
bertemakan isu2 sosial dan humaniora - yang akan dikirimkan setiap
hari ke mailbox digital Anda. Sangat berguna bagi para pelajar dan
mahasiswa (untuk tugas kliping, atau referensi), blogger (untuk bahan
unggahan ke weblog), peneliti (untuk bahan sumber tambahan), guru dan
dosen (untuk bahan sharing sebagai bahan pembelajaran di kelas),
masyarakat umum (untuk sekadar menambah pengetahuan) , maupun khalayak
lain peminat isu2 sosial humaniora yang tertarik mengikuti

Dengan membayar biaya langganan LEBIH MURAH dari tarif berlangganan
rata2 SEBUAH surat kabar ibukota, Anda berkesempatan menikmati
PULUHAN artikel dari kurang lebih DUA PULUHAN media massa, daerah
maupun nasional. Tentu, dengan horison wacana yang lebih kaya dan
beragam berupa pendapat para ahli dan figur masyarakat di banyak
harian tadi, hal ini sangat bermanfaat memperkaya wawasan sekaligus
memperdalam pandangan Anda di era informasi ini, baik untuk kebutuhan
pribadi maupun tugas pekerjaan. Dengan biaya berlangganan hanya
sebesar Rp. 50.000,00/ bulan, Anda dapat menikmati manfaat PULUHAN
kali lipat besarnya. Anda dapat menghemat waktu, tak perlu lagi
berkutat mencari2 artikel2 opini karena kami sudah melakukannya bagi
Anda. Kami antarkan artikel2 tepat di dalam inbox email Anda setiap
hari, sembari Anda hadapi dan baca dengan bersantai minum kopi dan
mengudap penganan ringan...... Atau, bila Anda kesulitan mengakses
koneksi Internet, artikel2 tadi dapat ditumpuk dalam inbox Anda,
untuk diambil kapanpun sesuka Anda.

Anda dapat mengunduh gratis edisi contoh untuk perkenalan di
http://groups. group/ArtikelDig ital/files (tentunya setelah
Anda mendaftar JOIN terlebih dahulu di http://groups. group/ArtikelDig ital,

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut ataupun mulai berlangganan, silakan
hubungi alamat email artikeldigital@

Terima kasih.

Undangan Menulis di Penerbitan Komunitas Rumah Ilmu Indonesia

Posted by: "Rumah Ilmu Indonesia"
Tue Jan 8, 2008 8:13 pm (PST)

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Sebagai bagian dari langkah membangun media edukasi bagi negeri, Komunitas Rumah Ilmu Indonesia (http://groups. group/rezaervani) berencana menerbitkan buku pertama dalam upayanya merintis sebuah penerbitan komunitas.

Untuk itu kami mengundang sahabat sekalian untuk mengirimkan naskah terbaiknya ke Proyek Penerbitan Rumah Ilmu Indonesia via email di penerbitan@rezaerva

Naskah yang kami cari untuk diterbitkan adalah yang bertemakan :
1. Inovasi Pendidikan
2. Guru dan Siswa
3. Tulisan ringan seputar nilai-nilai Islam
4. Materi Training dan Pengembangan SDM berbasis nilai Quran
5. Budaya
6. Tulisan Non Fiksi lain yang sesuai dengan visi Rumah Ilmu Indonesia (termasuk tulisan seputar perpustakaan, teknologi informasi, fisika populer, biologi ppuler)

Naskah yang diprioritaskan adalah yang Berbahasa Indonesia. Mohon lampirkan pula Biodata Penulis secukupnya bersama dengan naskah.

Untuk saat ini kami hanya menerima kiriman naskah via email : penerbitan@rezaerva

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi penanggung jawab proyek Penerbitan Rumah Ilmu Indonesia, Aditya di nomor HP 085624185531 dan/atau Siti Nadiroh di 081563114468

Perkembangan komunitas Rumah Ilmu Indonesia dan pemberitahuan lainnya bisa diikuti di http://groups. group/rezaervani

Kami tunggu karya terbaik anda.

Rumah Ilmu Indonesia
www.rezaervani. com

January 6, 2008

menulis tips dapat uang

untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan, anda bisa bergabung di situs daytipper. selain bisa berbagi pengetahuan pada orang lain, anda juga bisa mendapatkan uang tambahan. tentu saja, artikel yang mereka terima dalam bahasa inggris. walau demikian, tips yang ditulis tidak panjang.

January 5, 2008

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